Weathering Together

Weathering Together is an immersive audio experience by artist Joseff Harris, which is created from the eclectic voices of Weston-super-Mare. It is centered around home, how our environment forms our identity and how human impact on the natural world is dramatically changing the landscapes we know and love. With original composition and sound design, the piece will transport you through vivid memories and nostalgia, but it will also look towards the voices of the future.

Joseff Harris is a South-West based composer, sound artist and audio producer working across theatre, film and audio. His work is driven by how sound can tap into our subconscious and carry us to vivid worlds, both real and abstract. The natural world plays an integral role in his work, embracing both its calm and chaos, resulting in compelling and moving scores.

The immersive audio piece is recommended to be listened to through headphones.

Created in partnership with Culture Weston.

Weathering Together

Weathering Together

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